About vitamins
Vitamins are chemical compounds that are indispensable for the body. They play a role in the growth, repair and proper functioning of the body. Also, they are important for good health. Vitamins occur naturally in our diet. The body does not make them or insufficient itself.
Thirteen different vitamins
There are thirteen vitamins: four fat-soluble vitamins and nine water soluble vitamins. The fat-soluble vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin k. The fat-soluble vitamins are mainly in the fat from foods and can be stored in the tissues of the body. The water-soluble vitamins are vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B11 (folic acid) and B12 and vitamin c. these vitamins are correct in that the moisture in foods. The body can this water soluble vitamins (except vitamin B12) not good saving; excess leaves the body through the urine.
The history of vitamins
The vitamins are discovered in the first half of the twentieth century, from 1906. After discovering that food contains certain substances that are essential for maintaining good health, the name ' vitamins ' sure came up with. The word is a combination of the Latin vita (= living) and amine (= nitrogen-containing connection). It was Later revealed that not all vitamins contain nitrogen, but the word ' Vitamin ' was already in general use.
In the period up to 1970 are methods developed to vitamins. After that, the research is focused on the (preventive) role of vitamins at (chronic) diseases.
Vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The difference.
Vitamins and minerals have more similarities than differences. In the body are both essential for many processes. The main difference between vitamins and minerals is a chemical difference. Vitamins come from the living nature and can be made by some plants or animals themselves, while minerals from the dead should be included by plants and nature come from the Earth and by animals from food or water.
Minerals and trace elements, like vitamins, substances that the body does not itself to. They are needed in the regulation of enzymes and hormones. The difference between minerals and trace elements is the quantity in which the body needs them. Of minerals has one more than of trace elements.
Yet of all the minerals and trace elements have been shown to be essential, i.e. absolutely necessary for the functioning of the body. It is known that the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride and phosphorus are essential. Essential trace elements are chromium, copper, iodine, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium and molybdenum.
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